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General Contractor And Subcontractors Third-Party Negligence Liability Actions

When a general contractor, subcontractor or an employee of a temporary agency is injured at a job site and the injuries are caused by the negligence of another subcontractor (or that other subcontractor’s employees), then the injured worker can bring a third-party negligence claim or lawsuit against the other party.

In the above scenario, the injured workers’ employer (i.e., the general contractor, the subcontractor or the temporary agency he or she works for) would provide workers’ compensation benefits via their insurer, while the other negligent party would be liable for all negligent damages, which include pain and suffering. See the Third-Party Liability page for additional information and examples.

Worcester, Boston, Fitchburg Injury Lawyers Holding General Contractors And Subcontractors Liable In Third-Party Negligence Actions

If you have suffered serious personal injuries at work or a loved one has been killed due to the negligence of a general contractor or subcontractor, contact Ellis Law Offices LLP by telephone or email. We have been holding these parties liable in third-party negligence actions for over 50 years and have represented injured employees and temporary workers throughout Massachusetts, which includes Suffolk County, Worcester County and Middlesex. For your convenience, home and hospital visits are available.