Construction Site Slip-And-Fall Accidents
Massachusetts Construction Site Slip-And-Fall Attorney
A Team Of Lawyers You Can Trust Getting You The Results You Deserve
Construction sites are very congested with people, building material, building supplies, tools, material debris and trash. As a result, OSHA has strict regulations to keep the construction site in an orderly fashion and clear of debris, building supplies, tools, etc. In an ideal world, this would always be the case, but construction sites often fall into a state of scattered debris and materials that create unclean and a generally unsafe working environment.
When debris and the lack of site cleanup occur, the risk for slip-and-fall accidents grows exponentially. From an unattended electrical extension cord to a piece of disregarded lumbar, a construction worker can have a slip-and-fall accident with serious injuries.
Other construction site slip-and-falls occur from improperly made or defective temporary stairways and staging, to unsafe ladders and railings that give way.
has been representing injured construction workers in accident cases since 1963. Please contact us by telephone at 508-762-4334 or email for your free consultation. For your convenience, home and hospital visits are available by request anywhere in Massachusetts.