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Massachusetts Birth Injuries

Malpractice Can Change A Life That Is Just Beginning

When a baby is injured at birth, it is difficult for parents to understand how that could have happened — and why their child must spend a lifetime dealing with a mistake made by a doctor or hospital. Parents need answers and the child needs compensation.

Birth Injury · Medical Malpractice
508-762-4334 · Contact A Lawyer

Not every birth injury is caused by medical malpractice, but many are. At Ellis Law Offices LLP in Worcester, Massachusetts, our medical malpractice attorneys draw on the knowledge of a network of medical experts when we investigate birth injury cases.

Birth injury is often caused by a delayed admittance to the hospital’s obstetrical unit, which sometimes results in the failure to provide a timely cesarean section. When the mother and/or baby is in distress, a doctor needs to make a quick and appropriate decision.

A forced delivery can result in trauma to the child’s shoulder and damage to the arm’s upper group of main nerves. These injuries are called brachial plexus injury, Erb’s palsy or shoulder dystocia.

Fetal monitoring can help a doctor and obstetrical nurses determine when a baby is in distress. Not paying close attention to fetal distress can cause inadequate oxygen to the fetus. The results can be asphyxia, hypoxia and brain damage This can result in cerebral palsy, which bears with it a life of severe disability and medical expenses.

Free Consultation · We Don’t Get Paid Unless You Recover Compensation.

The lawyers at Ellis Law Offices LLP have the financial resources and the network of medical experts required for the successful investigation and litigation of birth injury cases. Medical malpractice cases are complex and hard-fought, but we have the experience and capability to handle them successfully.

If your child has suffered permanent damage from a birth injury, contact our law firm for a free consultation.