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Accidents Caused By Power Steering Failure

Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawyers For Power Steering Failure

It is critical that the power steering system on your vehicle be meticulously maintained. Even if maintained well, the power steering can malfunction due to the negligent design or manufacture of the components that make us the power steering system. When a power steering system malfunctions, the loss of steering can have catastrophic results. When injuries result from such a malfunction, the parts manufacturer, distributor, car company or dealer may be liable.

Examples of potentially defective parts leading to brake failure are:

  • Power steering pump failure
  • Power steering line failure with resulting loss of pressure
  • Power steering leak in reservoir with resulting loss of pressure
  • Power steering belt failure

If you believe power steering failure caused or contributed to your car accident, contact Ellis Law Offices LLP, located throughout Massachusetts. Our injury attorneys have over 120 years of combined experience. You may contact us by telephone or email for a free consultation. For your convenience, home and hospital visits are available upon request.