The Ellis Law Offices team
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Don’t Like Lawyers? We Hear You! Let Us Show You How We’re Different.

When listening to clients who have hired other law firms in the past, or are currently firing a law firm to come to Ellis Law Offices LLP, their complaints are a broken record. Everything is fine and rosy on their initial consultation, but things quickly break down thereafter for various reasons.

Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None Law Firms

Often, a law firm specializing in another field of law (e.g., real estate, criminal law) takes on a personal injury case that they have no experience in handling. Their lack of experience in injury law quickly shows, and the client soon realizes their attorney is in over their head.

Many Lawyers Are Poor Communicators With Those That Matter Most: Their Clients

Another very common problems that clients experience are communication breakdowns between lawyer and client. Lawyers often do not call their clients back or never updates them on their case status. Eventually the client gives up and weeks or months go by with no communication. With no communication the case does not develop properly or thoroughly, which can have a direct impact on case results and value.

Clients need to be updated on their case and have their questions answered in a clear and concise manner. At Ellis Law Offices LLP, we cannot over emphasize the importance of strong and candid communications with our clients throughout the duration of our representation. Communication is crucial during this trying time in your life. You need to know the status of your benefits, receive notification of upcoming hearings and feel comfortable talking to your attorney about your case. Answering client questions, emails and requests for information are a top priority for our attorneys. Plus, we also need and welcome communication from you relative to any medical updates, such as any medical testing, doctor visits and treatment. You will receive honest answers to your questions and know your options.

It Starts With Being Good Person; Then Being A Good Attorney Follows

Being a good attorney starts with being a good, sincere person and having a well developed conscience. Acting honorably in the legal profession comes next. Without this underlying sincerity and conscience, it becomes a struggle for some attorneys to act honorably. Hence, one without the other becomes a flaw that can potentially cause harm to others. This can detrimentally shape the overall impression people have for the legal profession. We have seen this first-hand many times. The Ellis brothers and those in their firm, first and foremost, are good sincere people, who happen to practice law. The fact that they practice law does not shape nor dictate who they are.

Lawyers Need To Be In This Profession, First And Foremost, To Help People

Lawyers often get a bad rap: sometimes justified and sometimes not. As in any profession, people (including lawyers) come in all personalities, as one size does not fit all. Despite the personal variances, we believe there is a common underlying core principle that excellent attorneys need to possess. That is that attorneys need to be in this profession for the right reasons, most notably to help people in need. If the drive to practice personal injury law is primarily for monetary gain, then all aspects of the profession are built on shaky ground.

At Ellis Law Offices LLP, we use the motto Honesty, Integrity, Results for a very good reason. Choose your lawyer and law firm very carefully.