Avoid ‘One-Time Client’ Law Firms
Many law firms advertise heavily because they are “one time law firms.” Clients hire these types of law firms one time. The reason being that they often treat clients in a rude or condescending manner. They may not return telephone calls or ever give their clients periodic status of their cases. They need to advertise heavily to insure the influx of new business because these are rarely repeat customers and they rarely get referrals from previous happy clients.
These types of law firms get fired from their clients on a fairly consistent basis, and those clients often hire Ellis Law Offices LLP to represent them. It is important to hire a law firm with a history of a client base which consists of repeat clients and clients who have referred new clients.
Ellis Law Offices LLP has been practicing personal injury law in Worcester, Boston, Fitchburg, Gardner, Springfield, Framingham and other towns and cities throughout Massachusetts. In our 50 years of practice, we have garnered a strong reputation in this legal field and have thousands of satisfied clients to show for it. We advertise the results we have obtained for our clients.
Call us today or contact us online to arrange your free personal injury consultation at our offices in Worcester or Fitchburg, or a home or hospital visit anywhere in Massachusetts.