A man was taking a stroll with his wife along South West Street in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts during the noon-hour last Thursday. Investigators say that the man was struck by a passing motorist, who failed to stop at the scene of the accident. The driver of the car...
Month: April 2014
Two linemen killed in Bourne crane-truck accident
Two utility workers were killed in an accident Saturday in Bourne, Massachusetts. Authorities say that the electrical workers were working in a lift basket when the crane truck tipped over. Details about what went wrong are still unknown as investigators look into the...
Dog bites woman’s lip in Sandwich, victim hospitalized
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that millions of people are bitten or attacked by dogs every year in America. About 885,000 people suffer severe enough injuries to require some level of medical treatment for a bog bite. Many people require surgery...
Bicyclist killed in Charlestown hit-and-run
It is no secret that a bicyclist is exposed to a great risk of harm when a car and bike collide. Even a sub-compact car can cause severe injuries for the rider of a bike in an accident. Similarly, roadside objects, the curb or the pavement of the road can be the...