You must understand the workers' compensation process if you receive an injury on the job. According to, any work-related injury qualifies you for medical benefits. Massachusetts requires workers’ compensation for every employer in the state. Continue reading...
Month: November 2022
Statistics show the prevalence of workplace injuries
Whether you work in an environment with many hazards (such as a construction site) or a seemingly safe workspace (such as an office), it is important to recognize the risks you face. Workers in various fields sustain work-related injuries, and the impact of an...
What are the most common types of medical malpractice claims?
Most patients want to keep the possibility of malpractice and improper treatment as far out of minds as possible. If you become the victim of malpractice, you might simply feel confused and unsure of how to proceed. The steps you should follow after experiencing...
Massachusetts road deaths reached an 11-year high in 2021
Traffic fatalities rose quite a bit in Massachusetts in 2021, and if current trends continue, 2022 is on pace to be an even deadlier year on state roadways. In response to rising road death numbers, transportation and public safety officials are trying to increase...