The overall concept of distracted driving seems to garner a great number of national headlines these days. Incidents involving distracted driving can occur anywhere on the road. Often, a person who has run a stop sign or red light may do so related to some kind of distraction. But, some controlled intersection accidents may not necessarily involve any distraction at all.
Some intersection accidents that implicate violations of the right of way may involve a variety of issues. A red light or stop sign violation could arise out of a driver’s impatience, the failure to notice the traffic control device, a distraction or any number of factors in an individual case.
One thing that Worcester personal injury lawyers are aware of that a stop sign or red light violation can lead to serious injury, and even the death of an accident victim.
A potential stop sign violation is under investigation related to a fatal accident Tuesday morning in Milford, Massachusetts. Authorities have been reviewing a surveillance video from a store located near the scene of an accident. The crash involved a Mercedes and a Community Emergency Medical Services ambulance. Police say that the video suggests that the Mercedes did not make a full stop for a sign before it slammed broadside into the ambulance.
The force of the wreck forced the ambulance to roll onto its roof. A 58-year-old woman, who was being transported in the emergency vehicle, suffered fatal injuries. A paramedic was also injured. The medical worker was treated and released at an area hospital. Worcester County officials continue to investigate the fatal accident.