Worcester residents may be familiar with the hit reality show “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” Among other things, one of the stars on the program spent some time screen time trying to train her dog, a pit bull named Kingsley. Recent reports, however, have indicated that her efforts to train the dog may have fallen short.
In an incident from early last spring, an 80-year-old friend was visiting the show’s star at her home. Suddenly and without apparent provocation, the dog bit the elderly woman and knocked her down. She suffered severe lacerations on both of her arms and was treated by paramedics at the house.
More recently, the dog attacked its owner’s teenage niece. The young girl was visiting after months away at college. Reportedly she went into the owner’s bedroom at one point, and the dog — described by his owner as “protective” — attacked the girl. She was taken to the emergency room and required surgery on her hand.
The victim from the first dog bite attack has now filed a personal injury lawsuit against the owner. Legal action like this is one way to hold a negligent pet owner accountable. A dog bite claim can also help victims seek compensation for their physical pain as well as their emotional pain — recognizing that situations involving a family pet attack can be incredibly stressful and challenging for families and friends to cope with.
Regardless of the emotions involved, it’s important not to ignore an animal attack, let it happen again to someone else. A legal professional can help dog bite victims identify and stand up for their legal rights.